Some Useful Tips and Tricks for Maintaining Your Canvas Bag

Some Useful Tips and Tricks for Maintaining Your Canvas Bag

Canvas bags are currently among the market's most fashionable options. The combination of their charming aged appearance and practicality has led to their rising popularity. Wax canvas and washed canvas are both suitable for use in bag manufacturing. That said, your bag, like your car, needs regular checks and maintenance; after all, you invested a lot of money on it.

Learning the proper way to clean and maintain a canvas without destroying it will help you keep your bag looking great for years to come. Some helpful hints for caring for your canvas bag are provided below.

  • Getting the Canvas Bag Ready

Bags made of canvas typically include cardboard or plastic to add structure, which can be ruined if exposed to water. There may even be additional delicate fixtures or metal components in your bag. Before starting the cleaning process, it must be taken out. At the same time, you should remove any dirt or dust from your bag with a brush.

  • Colourfastness Testing

Canvas bags that have been dyed should be tested for colourfastness so you know how they'll fare in the wash. Colours from bags with poor colourfastness can run into the water and ruin the rest of your outfit. Dip testing is highly recommended, in which a tiny section of the bag is submerged in water to determine its durability. After letting the water soak in, you can squeeze it out and pat it dry with a paper towel.

  • Preparing for Stain Removal

After extensive use, a canvas bag is likely to accumulate a great deal of dirt, filth, and stains. It's a good idea to pre-treat the bag for stains before giving it a final wash. Canvas bags can be cleaned with whatever product you like, but it's important to keep in mind the bag's specific fibre content and manufacturer.

  • Scrubbing with a Soft-Bristled Brush or a Clean Cloth

Put those unused limbs to good use now! You need only a soft-bristled brush or a clean, dry cloth for this stage. Clean the brush with a solution of mild detergent and warm water. Scrub the canvas bag using a circular motion to remove dirt and grime. When you're finished, dump out the accumulated water in the bag.

  • Letting It Dry

Let the bag air dry after you've finished washing it by hand. If the label instructs you to dry clean only, you can also do that. Don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy your newly-cleaned canvas bag!

Some additional suggestions for maintenance include:

  • Using a gentle brush bristle to get rid of the dust and grime that builds up after each use.

  • If your bag gets wet in the rain, empty its contents and let it dry out completely before reusing it. The bag must be stretched out and left to dry in order to prevent shrinkage.


Maintaining your canvas bag is an important part of ownership. Taking proper care of it will help to extend its life and keep it looking new. Avoiding rough surfaces and sharp objects and storing your canvas bag in a safe place away from direct sunlight and heat are also necessary steps to protect it.

Overall, following our basic tips and tricks above will ensure that your canvas bag is well-maintained and lasts for many years to come.

If you are looking for a great source of stone wash canvas bags, look no further than our high-quality selections here at Troop London. We offer the world’s finest canvas bags, canvas across body bags, canvas laptop messenger bags, backpack rucksacks, bum bags, etc. Check out our ‘Stone Wash Canvas’ section for more of our canvas bag collections and their prices.